How To Create A Podcast Using Just Your iPhone

How To Create A Podcast Using Just Your iPhone

When people think of podcasts, they often associate them with fancy, oftentimes expensive studio setups. But thanks to the evolution of mobile technology, it’s easier than ever to create a podcast using just your iPhone. Whether you’re on a tight budget or simply travel a lot, using your iPhone is a great option that shouldn’t be overlooked. We explain why that is in more detail below.

The Quality of iPhone Recordings

While iPhone recordings understandably won’t produce the same level of audio quality as a dedicated studio setup, you can still expect satisfactory results regardless.

If at all possible, locate a soundproofed space to make your recording. This can be a hotel room away from windows, or even the closet of your apartment. Any place with soft, sound absorbing materials will do. It is also a great idea to turn your iPhone’s airplane mode on when you do. Such measures will enhance your audience’s overall listening experience while reducing any cellular interference, which can result in audio distortion.

Mobile Microphones

To maximize the performance of your iPhone as a podcast recording device, you’ll need to purchase an external microphone. This is essential for high-quality audio.

Most external microphones plug directly into your iPhone via a lightning connector and below are some of our favorites.

Rode SC6-L Mobile Interview Kit

The Rode Mobile Interview Kit includes two smartLav+ microphones, an adapter, two lapel clips, two windshields, and a carry pouch. The microphones are compact at just 4.5mm with omnidirectional condenser capsules and there’s no compromise on quality.

It’s a fantastic option for podcasters on the go and you can also purchase the SC1 20” Extension Cable for additional cord length.

Shure MV88

The Shure MV88 is a larger external microphone made of metal, which offers superior build quality. It can rotate and pivot allowing you to position the microphone exactly where you need it.

Whilst it is less compact than some of its competitors, the Shure MV88 boasts superb audio quality – using both stereo and directional pickup. The Shure MV88 also comes with a windscreen, headphone adapter and carrying case.

Zoom iQ7

The Zoom iQ7 is a compact condenser microphone specially designed for Apple products. The product involves two microphone elements. First, is the directional ‘mid’ mic that captures audio coming from the front. Second, is a bidirectional side mic that detects audio from all around you.

The Zoom iQ7 can rotate by 120 degrees, giving you some flexibility to make adjustments as required. It also includes a dedicated headphone jack, which allows you to monitor audio as you’re recording.

Related: Everything You Need To Know About Podcast Equipment

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Podcast Making Apps

After you’ve obtained an external microphone, it’s time to find a podcast making app. This will allow you to record, edit and upload audio straight from your iPhone.

Podbean App

Acclaimed podcast hosts, Podbean, have recently upgraded their listening app with more functionality. You can now record your podcast episodes directly from the app and add music to them as well. This is especially convenient for those already using Podbean as their podcasting hosting service. If so, the app will grant you access to various monetization options and detailed statistics.

In terms of editing, the Podbean app allows you to top and tail (cut the beginning and end of) your audio. But you cannot make internal cuts within recorded content. Anything that you wish to exclude mid-audio must be done using a separate editing app. To do this, simply download the audio file of your recording and export it elsewhere.

The Podbean app is free to use, however, you’ll need to pay for extra bandwidth and storage. Their payment plans start from as little as $9 per month.


Anchor is an iPhone app that allows you to record your podcast for free. As they’re also a podcast host, you can upload episodes directly to Anchor’s platform from their app.

Anchor does not let you make edits within your audio and only allows you to arrange separate clips. This can be useful when organizing the order of separate segments within your podcast. But it will require that you record each segment individually.

Anchor also boasts a full library of transitions and music that you can use free of charge. There are no hidden costs with this platform, which makes it a perfect option for people who are just starting out.


Spreaker is another useful podcast making app. It has a unique live feature that allows you to stream your podcast to your listeners in real-time. If you don’t want this option, simply select ‘Offline Mode’ and publish your podcast when you are ready.

The platform has a selection of effects to enhance your podcast and you have the extra benefit of being able to add them during a live broadcast. Like Podbean and Anchor, Spreaker permits top and tail editing but does not allow internal edits.

TwistedWave Audio Editor

TwistedWave has one key advantage over other apps and that is its internal editing capabilities. The app allows you to make cuts, amplify audio, add fades (in or out) and apply filters. It costs $10 on the App Store and there is also a free version available - though this excludes all editing features and will only allow you to record audio.

TwistedWave’s main drawback is its user interface. It’s a little clunky and less user-friendly than it could be. Unlike the other apps discussed, TwistedWave is not a podcast hosting service, so your files will have to be compressed and exported elsewhere for publishing.

An iPhone Can Take You A Long Way

If a professional podcast setup isn’t possible, making use of your iPhone can be an excellent alternative. First, shop around for a compatible external microphone to enhance the quality of your audio. Once you’ve secured one, it’s a simple matter of finding a podcast-making app that best suits your needs. That’s all you really need to get going. And the best part about it? You can take your little iPhone setup along with you anywhere that you desire.

What are you waiting for? Could it be a complete checklist of everything you need to launch a podcast in 30 days?! Lucky for you, we’ve got that very list available for you here.



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