How Voice Control Devices Are Changing the Game for Podcasts

How Voice Control Devices Are Changing the Game for Podcasts

First made popular by smartphone voice assistants like Siri, voice control devices are becoming part of our everyday lives. We no longer need to pick our devices up in order to use them. “What relevance does this have to podcasting?” you might ask. Well, for a while, many people have seen podcasts as too much of a commitment. Thanks to voice control devices, however, this is becoming less so.

Intrigued? Read on to learn more.

Smart Speakers

You’ve almost certainly heard of smart speakers by now. They’re an advanced type of speaker that uses voice commands for hands-free activation. For a while now, smart speakers have been a huge craze in the world of tech.

The most common smart speakers on the market are the Amazon Echo and Google Home and both come equipped with their own voice assistants. So whether you want to know the temperature outside or even turn your kitchen lights on, it can all be done from your smart speakers.

That being said, they are primarily used to consume various types of audio content. Take the Amazon Echo, for example. You can link your chosen music streaming service to the device and from there it’s as simple as “Alexa, play my playlist”. But what does this mean for podcasting?

Well, you can listen to your favorite podcast shows from the most popular directories with a simple voice command as well. And although it’s your typical first-world problem, this new method is a lot more convenient than trawling through numerous shows before you find what you’re looking for. So if you’re easily overwhelmed such mammoth tasks, this is very welcome news.

Voice Control is Changing Listener Habits 

The beauty of smart speakers is that they’re always on and listening. While some might find that a little creepy, it has a positive effect on listener habits. People can now start, pause and rewind podcasts with ease.

This always-on experience is encouraging people to listen to podcasts more often because now, it’s just as simple as playing a song. Presently, people are more inclined to listen to a podcast while doing something else, for example, in the morning during breakfast or in the background while cooking dinner. As a result, voice control has seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, which has made podcasts even more appealing.

How is Voice Control Benefitting Podcasters?

While voice control is benefitting listeners, it’s having a positive effect on podcasters too. Voice-controlled devices such as smart speakers are making podcasts more accessible and consequently increasing overall listenership – the number one goal of many content creators. Podcasting as a medium has become more popular as well, which is a win-win for all parties involved.

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Short-form Listening

As people integrate podcasts into their daily lives, they’re often listening to short snippets as opposed to full episodes. Listeners may only have a few minutes every morning to listen to a podcast before heading off to work. As a result, the popularity of shorter podcasts will continue to increase. That’s not to say you should ditch long-form altogether, however.

Create Shorter Episodes

Shorter episodes are the perfect solution to these newly developed listener habits. They can be posted alongside your regular episodes to summarize the most important information. If you run a celebrity news podcast, for example, your shorter episodes can sum up the most relevant information for your listeners.

You don’t have to record an entirely new episode either. Just edit your existing episodes down and you’re good to go. You can also treat these smaller episodes as teasers for your long-form content – for example, highlights of the funniest parts of an episode.

If you’re really committed, your shorter episodes can feature exclusive content that you can’t get anywhere else. You may even develop an entirely separate fan base from your shortened content. A short 10-minute episode every morning can have just as big of an impact on your audience as a longer episode.

Related: How Frequently Should You Release New Episodes?

In-App Voice Assistants

Away from the advanced smart speakers, in-app voice assistants are making it easier to find podcasts too. Take Spotify, for example. Their integrated voice assistant – Spotify Voice – allows users to find podcasts without typing a single word. It even responds to phrases such as “recommend me something”, which help users discover new shows. Again, this is such a first-world problem but removing the need to type makes podcasts much more accessible.

Voice Control is Truly Changing the Game

It may not be apparent at first glance, but voice control is changing the game for podcasts – and most would argue for the better. It’s easier than ever to access podcasts using the smart speakers dotted around many of our homes. For podcasters, this is excellent news. It increases the likelihood of people listening to your show even amidst the most hectic of days.

Consider creating short-form content alongside your existing show. This will attract a wider audience and ensure you’re adapting to newer listener habits.

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