Hey Pat Fans!

Curious about how to make money podcasting, no matter how many downloads you have? 

My Podcast Monetization Blueprint outlines how to make a podcast your listeners will actually pay for and the best monetization strategies out there, regardless of your show's size. So, what are you waiting for?

You Will Learn

✦ The truth about how many downloads you need before you can start monetizing your podcast. (Spoiler: it’s not as many as you think.)

✦ The best monetization strategies for your show size.

✦ The monetization strategies that have worked for dozens of my clients including listener donations, affiliate marketing, and selling products and services.

Let's start monetizing!

Let's start monetizing! ✹

Your Partner in Podcasting Success


“I’ve helped dozens of women take their podcast from idea production money-making machine & I want to help you do the same.”

Instead of competing for three seconds of someone’s attention as they scroll through their social media feed, let me help you build a lasting and authentic strategy for reaching your desired audience through podcasting.
Learn More


Start monetizing your podcast without thousands of downloads.

Stop waiting to make it big before you start making money podcasting. Grab the free blueprint to podcast monetization techniques that work for podcasts of all sizes.