Everything You Need To Know About Podcast Equipment

Everything You Need To Know About Podcast Equipment

If you want the very best results for your podcast, you will need to invest in the right equipment. But with several moving parts, it’s hard to know and decide what exactly is required. What are all the wires for? What is the purpose of this mix amp? Is it all necessary?

These questions and more are answered below as we go through everything you need to know about podcast equipment.


Your computer is a key component of the end-to-end podcast setup that allows you to record, edit and upload your content from the same place.

Recording Software

You will need recording software on your computer to start podcasting. The first option is to record through locally installed software. This simply means you must find a software program and download it onto your PC so that any recordings are stored on your physical device. Alternatively, you can use cloud-based programs to store recordings online.

There are many recording software programs available, including both free and paid services. Some offer monthly subscription models whilst others are one-time fees. Shop around and find the right fit for your needs and budget.

Editing Software

Some recording software programs come with built-in editing capabilities. If the one you’re using doesn’t have this functionality, you will need to install separate editing software on your computer.

Editing software is especially helpful when adding audio elements such as an intro song or sound effects. As with recording software, there are both free and paid options available.

Related: The Best Podcast Editing Services


A good microphone is essential for crisp audio. The one that is built-in to your computer most likely won’t suffice and will become even more of an issue if you regularly have co-hosts or guests on your podcast.

USB Microphones

USB microphones are an easy option. You simply plug the microphone into your computer and away you go. That being said, they’re limited by the number of inputs your computer can handle at any given time. If you have multiple guests, you may need an adapter that has multiple USB inputs.

XLR Microphones

If you’ve got multiple guests on your podcast, XLR microphones may well be the better option, as they’re not limited by the number of USB ports on your computer. Instead, they have 3 prongs, which must be connected to a mixer that is then connected to your computer.

Microphone Stands

Microphone stands are a great accessory to position your mic conveniently. The microphone can be adjusted to your liking without the need to sit in awkward positions. You can choose between stands that sit on a flat surface or the ones that are suspended from above.

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Pop Filters

Pop filters enhance the quality of your audio by reducing any harsh or unpleasant sounds. Letters such as b, d, and t produce louder bursts of air into the microphone when spoken, which doesn’t sound great for your audience. Pop filters take care pf this problem.


Mixers work by receiving multiple inputs and mixing them together to create one or more outputs. They essentially manage all your audio inputs so that they sound as intended. You can fine-tune each audio input by changing its volume and adding various effects such as reverb or delay. While they can be confusing at first glance, they’re easy to use once you get a good hang of it.

Audio Interface

An audio interface takes analog signals and converts them into digital format. This allows your computer to recognize the audio input from analog devices, such as XLR microphones.

Audio interfaces are connected to your computer via USB or fire-wire cables. Some mixers will already have a built-in audio interface, which saves you the extra hassle and expense of having to buy one separately.

Shock Mounts

Unlike pop filters, shock mounts reduce the sound of movements such as banging, tapping, and typing. They work by limiting the effect of vibrations on the microphone, which makes them perfect for passionate speakers who use their hands a lot.

Most microphone manufacturers sell dedicated shock mounts as they are far better options than third-party accessories. They do a better job of accounting for your microphone’s mass, thus reducing extra noise more effectively.


Headphones are very useful additions to your podcast setup. They allow you to monitor your audio whilst recording Live and make any necessary adjustments on the go. Any uneven microphone volumes or strange sounds can be identified and altered immediately.

Closed-back headphones are a popular option among podcasters in particular because they will ensure that the microphone does not pick up any audio feedback from the earphones themselves.

Headphone Amplifier

Headphone amplifiers act as a splitter so that several hosts and guests can each use a pair of headphones. They also allow you to fine-tune the volume for each individual headphone user.

Related: How To Create A Podcast Studio At Home

Sound Proofing

For improved audio quality, you may want to consider buying sound-proofing materials. Acoustic panels made of foam-like supplies are the best option. You can place them on nearby walls to reduce echo, reverb, and external noise coming in.

Equipment Alone Isn’t Everything

Start simple. It’s better to have an entertaining podcast with basic equipment than the alternative. Put your content first and simply start with the essentials. If you already have a computer all you really need is the relevant software and a microphone, to begin with. As you get into the flow of things and your podcast starts to grow, you can look to upgrade your podcast equipment as necessary.

If you want a super specific list of all the podcasting equipment we recommend based on your price range, try our mini guide to the best equipment and software here.



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